Thursday, November 16, 2006

Fw: Here Comes the Sun

Hey there,
What a fast week this is. It is already the middle of November. I can´t believe that the time is just going by so fast. Sometimes I just wish that I could stop time.
It has been a great week. We received some outstanding referrals this last week and we have some baptisms planned for the first of December. We are so excited about it. João Gabriel is a great kid. When we first taught him and his family everyone rejected us except him, his mom and his brothers. He stayed firm and said that he would read the book of mormon. Now he has already been to church three times and we are planning his baptism. We are also teaching another family that is outstanding. Some years ago Heloide would run to the other side of the street because she had fear that the Mormons would get her as they were walking down the street. Now, we are talking about baptism with her. We are planning to mark her and her daughter´s baptisms this week. It is interesting to see the change that comes over people. I really feel that with we have faith in the Lord and we work hard following the spirit. We will have success. Part of our success here is that our investigators have a friend who is a member of the church. It helps so much because the friend can follow-up when the missionaries can´t, they answer questions and give support. The key to having a lot of baptisms is working with the members to baptize their friends and family. It is just like President Hinckley said. A new member needs a responsibility, a friend, and nutrido by the word of God.
I am so excited about the work and know that trusting in the Lord is how I will receive the blessings that he has in store for me. I love you all and know that if we do what is right(read the scriptures and pray everyday and go to church every Sunday) we will always be blessed.

Elder Thompson

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