Saturday, April 02, 2005

Catalog of April Fools Pranks

Yesterday was a very entertaining day for me. I started out my morning by printing off 40+ pages of one liners and short jokes and cutting them into little pieces. Then we taped them onto a friend's door because it was her birthday. While we were there, and she was still asleep, her husband left for work and gave us the key to the house and let us know when she would not be inhabiting it. We came back at the appointed time of vacancy and fixed her toilets, her sheets, and put Kool-aid in her shower head. We also hid chocolate eggs in various spots around the house. I called her later and she commented on the beautiful door of jokes she had been given as a birthday card, not even suspecting what greater fun was in store for her later. (evil chuckle inserted here) I then returned to my own house and did the same Kool-aid trick to Ian's shower. I was concerned that he had already taken his shower for the day and would not take one again until the next, but decided that if the trick was planted on April Fools Day, it counted. Much to my surprise and enjoyment I heard him turning on the shower as I was napping on the couch later that evening. He emerged from his bathroom shouting, "All I can say is not funny." At this remark I began to chuckle and continued doing so all night. In total I fixed about 7 toilets with ceran wrap and did various small pranks like salt on chosen morsels and the like, but all in all, this was one of the most fruitful and enjoyable April Fools Days that I have experienced.
I emerged almost totally unscathed from this event. While playing cards we had cheesecake for desert and mine was touched up with a little bit of salt. Actually it might have improved the taste a bit had it not been for the large accumulation of it in one spot. I calmly brushed it off and continued to eat the cheesecake. That being the sum total of the world's retaliation, I feel I came out more than a little ahead in this wonderful holiday of pranks and practical jokes.

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