So we had a very snowy morning all of a sudden. I didn't even realize it was going to snow today until about 4:00 when someone noticed all of the snow. Everyone was late getting to work, and the ones I had to give report to were the very last to arrive. In fact I had started to give report to other people in the interim when they showed up. The drive home was a little bit frustrating. Although the roads really were slick, they did not warrant driving at five miles per hour the entire way. Hello!!! I managed, however to contain myself with promises of snow angels before I got home. I slowly but surely inched my way toward home and stopped with glee at the stake center. The snow was briefly indented, only one car had been there before me, and from the looks of it, a long time before. I calmly pressed on the accelerator and just when it seemed like I might run into the trees on the other end, pulled the emergency brake and threw the wheel to one side. Ahhhh... It was heavenly! I continued in that way, creating snow angels while a bus full of children parked in the corner looked on in dismay. After about 10 passes, I decided that I should make my way homeward. So calmly, with a huge smile on my face, I pulled back onto the road and crept home.