Oi Famìlia
It is a great time to be alive in the world and in Brasil-the weather is perfect. It stays between 70-68 degrees with a cold wind. It is a wonderful change and the funny part is that it is not even winter yet but we will see what happens. There is not too much to say this week other than we are working hard and learning a whole lot. I have to always remember that I am myself and noone else and that I shouldn´t compare myself to others. I need to be optimistic and think about others more than myself. I have been really focusing on time management so that I can be more effective and specifically so that I can write in my journal. The days are passing right by and I have got to write down and graces of the days and the blessings of the Lord. Sometimes, i have thought why do we really need to write in our journals what´s the real purpose-it certainly preserves our past and tells history but also it is a way that we can remember and recognize the tender mercies in our lives and the blessings that we do receive-the mysteries of God that we understand and the promptings of the spirit that we receive.
Time is going by so fast--it always has been and always will--I think of the saying of Gandalf on the Lord of the Rings--he says to Frodo: so do all who live to see such times but that is not for them to decide--what is importante is what we do with the time that is given to us. Something like that. I am very grateful for the great opportunities that I have in my life and the things that I am learning. i know that the more that we understand about the plan of happiness the more that we will want to work hard and really be happy. I love you all
Elder Thompson
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