So, my friend Becca also has a blog and while reading her account on our
trip thought it was good enough to share:
Kingdoms and the Animal Kingdom...

Oh my goodness I don't even know where to start!! We spent this last week
traveling with Professor Williams and his wife and daughters and 2
daughters-in-law to South Africa. And Swaziland, which is a small Kingdom
inside of South Africa, and then Kruger Park, which is a wildlife reserve,
where we got to see many creatures from the animal kingdom, up close and
First of all, Swaziland was beautiful. It really looks like southern
California but there are only black people. We rode a Greyhound bus to
Nelspruit, South Africa and then we rented vans (like the one we rented in
Portugal) and drove to Swaziland. We had some unfortunate events including
long lines at the Mozambican border (we were in three countries in one
day!! talk about stamps in the passport!!) and 2 flat tires at the same
time on the same van. That was due to the awesome potholes on the road to
Swaziland. Great experience. But we were riding in comfort. Because the
vans we were in are the same size as the ones they use as mini buses here
that could fit 15 people, but they cram in 25...not joking. It is a sight
to behold. And we only had 8 in ours, so we felt like royalty. That
feeling only increased when we arrived at our destination which was a
lodge with little cabins. Each room slept 2 people and had a bathroom with
a shower and flushing toilet!!! Need I say more? But the luxury doesn't
end there. Walking out behind our cabins reminded us of the movie dirty
dancing except that there was just a pool instead of the lake. But there
was the side walk with the lodge at the top all lit up with little white
lights. And when we got there (after more than 12 hours of traveling) we
went straight to the restaurant where the proceeded to serve us the most
delicious 3 course mouth is watering just thinking about it. I
slept better that night than I have since I got to Africa. It's amazing
what a comfortable bed and bathroom can do for a girl!
The next day we got up early and continued with the royalty treatment with scrumptious. We spent that day in a little cultural village
learning about the Swaziland traditions and swimming in a waterfall and
then buying souvenirs. There is so much more I want to include but I just
don't have time! I love the culture here and our group is just so much
fun. Everything we do is great. That night when we got back we played the
IPOD game, which is stinkin hilarious and we must play it when I get back
with our whole family. We were all falling off of our chairs with
laughter. But the next day we headed out for Kruger park. Which was
everything you ever imagined Africa to be and more. We camped in these
little tents and we went out on an African Safari at night and early in
the morning to see all the animals. I felt like I was on the Indian Jones
ride at Disneyland!! We saw giraffes, rhinos, monkeys galore, hippos,
lions, zebras....and the list goes on. I now understand what inspires
people to make those National Geographic documentaries, I could have sat
and watched those animals forever.
Well, my time is almost up and I'm sorry I don't have pictures to post.
Maybe next week. I hope everyone is doing great.