So, I´ve been here about 10 months in Portugal and it really is a beautiful country. I absolutely love it here! I have been a trainer for about one week and I also like it. It´s a really humbling experience, but it is good. It does get a little frustrating for her because of the language. I have a really hard time speaking English, so I just explain things a million times in Portuguese and then if she still doesn´t understand I will try to express it in English. She is getting a lot better already and her teaching is already wonderful. She will really be a great missionary.
Mom, thanks so much for the nylons and Kool-aid! I received them yesterday and am already enjoying the American goodness of it all. Fatima will absolutely love the Kool-aid...I´m excited to see her reaction. Thanks for all your example, love and prayers! So...glad to hear that everyone´s doing so well. Especialmente o meu missionário preferido! Obrigada pelas palavras de conselho! Será muito bom para mim. Também será difícil ser cada vez mais paciente e ajudá-la a crescer como O Senhor quer que ela cresça. As tuas orações são precisas e bem vindas. É sempre uma maravilha para mim a maneira que as pessoas realmente mudam por causa dos ensinamentos que estamos a transmitir. O evangelho e o Livro de Mórmon têm poder real. Eu recentamente lí um artigo no liahona de Novembro 2005 (da conferência geral) e na página 10. Realmente o evangelho tem as respostas para todos os problemas que há no mundo atual. Continuação dum bom trabalho lá no Brasil. Amo-te irm.. (não sei como diria 'bro' em português)
Love you all and about the phone call...if you called at 1:00 your time it would probably work just great. I´ll try and see if we can´t spend some time in a member´s home with a land line...if not, it will have to be by cell phone again. I´ll give you all the numbers you need next week. Love you!!!
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