I had this awesome camp refrigerator that I made from a 54 gallon trash can lined with wall insulation. I froze the milk, orange juice and basically anything else that would freeze and just stuck it in all together. Then I topped it all off with a bunch of frozen water in 2 quart juice bottles. It stayed frozen. I took ice cream up for a birthday party as well as otter pops and they were good and frozen later that day. I had to thaw the milk and orange juice by the fire the next morning and all of the other days I took it out the afternoon before I was to use it and thus had milk/orange juice with ice floes instead of solid ice blocks. When I went home on Saturday, I still had lots of solidly frozen milk.
I had over-calculated the food, first because there were only 17 people instead of the 25 I had planned for and secondly because the girls ate less than I thought they would. I also had never bought food for that amount of people for that amount of time before and found that I wanted to truss them every second with so much food and variety...well, now I know. Almost everything was successful. We had shish-kabobs and fruit kabobs, breakfast burritos (made with individual ziploc omelets) with bacon and sausages, Hawaiian haystacks, pancakes with bacon and sausages, taco soup and chicken stew, and french toast with...bacon and sausages.
I should have started about 1 hour earlier on the chicken stew because it had only had about 30 minutes on the coals when we were ready to eat, but I figure if that was the worst of my screw ups, then I was doing pretty well. No one starved, and all in all, I believe they enjoyed themselves. The girls performed a very great skit for the skit night and I've included it here... Mary is quite a comedian to be sure.
1 comment:
Ola Ellen, precisamos falar mas não tenho teu email. Sempre vens a Portugal? Caso dia 23 de Outubro e depois vou ao Templo de Madrid fazer celamento a 27. Posso contar contigo? Preciso de uma menina para levar as aliancas e tu eras a pessoa ideal (Ah! Ah! Ah!). Fernanda
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