Well, I am loving this house more and more, especially because the lady that lived here before me was such a great gardener and now all sorts of flowers are coming up all on their own. I have given away two or three little bouquets of daffodils. I am so excited to have beautiful flowers, hyacinths, crocuses, daffodils, tulips, forget-me-nots, and lots that I don't even know yet what kind they will be! I also planted peas and cilantro in my garden today....just before the storm. I am going to have such great food all summer long from my very own garden.

I also made a quilt recently. The other youngster in our crochet club just had a baby and the nursery is decorated in a jungle theme. I therefore made the very cutest jungle quilt for a little girl you have ever seen. Little Eva looks very comfortable wrapped up in her snuggly blanket.
Wow! It is a really cute girl jungle quilt! I didn't know they had girly jungle fabric! Well done my dear! Well done indeed!
Very nice. You rock.
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