Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Um Poema

I was feeling inspired the other night and decided to write a poem, basically talking about all of the people that have contributed to my life. It's in Portuguese.

A colcha de retalhos

Uma colcha de retalhos
Bem velha, com a linha solta
Cada pedaço emprestado
Do avô cego mas independente
Da agente pronta para escolar montanhas
Só quando receber os paus dou-lhe parabéns
Da amiga do quarto com três, agora quatro
Colega do trabalho agora meiga, agora brava
Querida presidente prestes a sair
Quantas saudades não deixará
Da mulher que nem conheço duma conversa
Com lágrimas na cara—fala a verdade
Casal longínquo, espero um dia
Chegar convosco ao Shangai
À mesa com a família
Para mim são todas meninas mais uma
Cabelos brancos quantos não emprestaram
Um conhecimento, uma verdade
Avó de Alemanha, whoai Nellie!
Doce para o marido no hospital
Logo chegará a ela
Com o doce cheiro da eternidade
Mas para mim quando precisava, amizade
Poemas, palavras ásperas, ou claras
Pai da amiga cujo ar escapou
Ironia, humor, amiga de perna partida
Ou duas no gelo, na montanha
Dormi lá na cama, a última noite
Feliz por ser útil, madura
Irmão da página virada
Agora doutor, agora chefe, agora anjo
Quase irmão, quase mãe
Manta para me cobrir, para me ensinar a rir
Amigo histórico e nada mais
Irmã que sempre queria
Modelo perfeito pelas gerações
Sete vezes quatro mais três
Quase marido se levasse na cabeça
Estava lá comigo na primeira vez
Sentada ao meu lado, guia do além
Ninguém sabe de ti
Todos os dias o chocolate, a conversa
Escrita pedaço por pedaço, devagarinho
Bolachas de carbónico
Envermelhadas, grandes e pequenas
Gritos na relva
Esta será uma obra-prima
Com mãos postas, abraçando
Emagrecendo, cantando
As duas que não consigo reduzir às palavras
Amiga, ou alma gémea
Mãe, ou alma própria
Quantos pedaços de mim, remendados
Espero sair confortável, sem padrão
Uma colcha de retalhos
Bem velha, com a linha solta

—23 Abril 2008

Sunday, April 27, 2008

School's Out!!

Well, after much sofrimento e dor, I made it to the end of the semester. Hooray! I almost didn't think it was possible. So, you may ask, what will she do with all of her time? Well, I'll tell you, read books, quilt, visit friends and work a lot at the hospital. Then I'll be off to Europe and then to South America. I almost have one quilt finished and have things cut out for the next one. It's so much fun! Oh, and I have my first real wedding cake order to fill on May 10th. So, I guess I won't get too bored with all my newfound time. Oh, and I just finished a good book. Quick read and really cute: Can't Wait to Get to Heaven by Fannie Flagg.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Morte e Vida Severina

I was part of a very successful Portuguese musical this past month or so...I was in charge of costumes and made about 3/4 of them. The other 1/4 we got from DI. I was so very proud of my ability to make clothes that don't fit. I had a lot of fun. It was a great opportunity to combine many of my talents and loves: Portuguese, theater, music, sewing and being with crazies who like those same poor professor Vanessa. Elizabeth and I also did the scenery. Yes, those are weeds from the side of the road. The band sounded great and we wowed those who doubted we could do it. Maybe that gave the best satisfaction of all. You might also recognize the dead guy...the same one in every scene...except the one scene where he is only dying, not dead yet...that's right, Samuel. What a great dead guy, the star of every show!

Sunday, April 06, 2008


Well, I got to watch conference for the first time inside of the conference center, not only inside the conference center...but in the choir loft. It looks a whole lot smaller from there for sure. Pretty exciting. We sang really well too. It was a great experience and i think my favorite part was hearing my nieces on the phone, "I saw you on TV!" One of those once in a lifetime experiences.

12.32 1.52.23 (the minutes where you can see me....go to to watch online)