I have been hearing complaints, that my faithful following is starving for some news of my person and doings... I can assure you that I am still alive, but I'm not sure for how long, or how exactly I'm managing, it's a minute by minute affair. Funny thing, I was thinking on Sunday evening how nice it was to be caught up, but had a little tickle in the back of my mind like I was missing something...I was. Luckily (for those who believe in luck) I was told today by my desk mate that we had a paper due tomorrow...so, as i always say, "No rest for the wicked!" I've got to work on that. I try to keep myself busy to keep me out of trouble, but...well, you know how it is.

A few notes on my latest doings...My cousin and I made a wedding cake for my aunt, she liked it and there was practically nothing left of it when all was said and done. I felt really good about it and next will be doing one for a friend...but not quite yet. It's really fun and I like experimenting with new designs and things. This is now my third real big wedding cake. I feel more confident every time, so the next time you hear of somebody looking for a cake...I just might want to do it.

Other than that...what have I been doing? Not very much, unless you count getting students ready for their finals, getting ready for my midterms, writing papers, working, reading some great literature and all and all becoming a more well rounded person, and not just my lower end. Oh, and I also went standby to General Conference, which was amazing, but I did just standby, I didn't get into a seat in the conference center, next time I'll make sure I have a ticket...it's way too cold to hang around outside.