I have just decided that I chose the right profession. Let me list a few of the reasons:
1. I work 6 days (actually nights) and then get 8 off!!! i.e. vacation every other weekend... ie lots of traveling...assuring that my neipoos get plenty of good attention.
2. I get to listen to awesome, gruesome facts about people's lives that they would be embarrassed/horrified to share with anyone else...usually starting with: "Well, you're a nurse..."
3. I help people to feel better. You may not know this, but I'm kind of a people pleaser. I like people to feel happy because somehow I can feel their emotion and when they don't feel happy, I don't like it.
4. I get to work 12 hour night shifts. Many of you think that this is the largest manifestation of my insanity (and maybe it is) but I really enjoy getting paid to be up all night. I like sleeping all day. I like feeling as if my schedule is so flexible that I won't get too grumpy if someone calls me at 3 o'clock in the morning or at 11am when I only went to bed at 7. I might not remember everything that was said in a conversation at any of these times....but it really doesn't bother me.
5. I enjoy using military time. There is something about calling it 2100 that makes 9:00pm something special and unique.
6. I have a lot of fun zipping up and down the hall on an IV pole. It probably is against more than one code...but it gets me there fast, is easy on the feet, and I look darn good doing it...there is some exotic dancer hiding just beneath the surface...
7. I like the reminder that death isn't in any way, shape, or form, the enemy of life.
I really could be a nurse for free....if only I didn't have to pay for this house....does anyone want to pay it off for me so that I can be a nurse for free....and travel even more to see my neipoos?
p.s. Dawney, I really like being able to work with you!
Boys Climbing Mountains
9 years ago