Memorial Day was quite fun. I hopped into some borrowed wheels (because mine were bald---but I got them fixed) and drove down with Martha to the beautiful Goblin Valley where we camped and then hiked in Little Wildhorse Canyon. On the way in we rehearsed to the kids the dangers of flash floods in the narrow canyon. We taught them well, because just after lunch (we were at this point as far in as we could go without wading through lots of deep, nasty water) the clouds were gathering and at the sign of the first raindrops the girls started running out of the canyon. They were very scared as the water cascaded down from the sky as well as the surrounding cliffs. Very wet we emerged from the canyon and made our way home. I think the three older girls enjoyed most the lively rendition of "He Jumped From Forty Thousand Feet Without a Parachute" as I maneuvered the van through the increasingly muddy roads, hoping and praying that I would not get stuck or slide off the road.

A kitchen area with shelves full of knicknacks

Some beautiful but ominous clouds....We experienced half of Green River's annual rainfall on our way back through.