Well, I've heard that my readers are starving for news....so to all of you, I'm sorry, don't lose hope, life will continue.
Things have been going very well for me. I am teaching again and have a great class full of wonderful students who are anxious to learn the art of the Portuguese language. I also am working at the hospital still and I really do love all of the people that I work with on our unit and yep, I do love being a nurse on the weekends.
I am also getting really excited about my thesis. I am writing about Maria Anna Acciaioli Tamagnini Barbosa who wrote in Macau and have been in contact with her son. I'm getting tons of information and my thesis is forming in my mind. Everything is falling into place and I feel as if this opportunity has been given to me on a silver platter.
So...plans for the future....I'll be going to Portugal in the end of May to do research on my darling Maria Anna and conduct a personal interview with her son Colonel Mariano Tamagnini. In June, soon after returning from Portugal, I'll be traveling to Brasil where I'll be the instructor for the Study Abroad. I'll teach Portuguese 201/211 to those students we take with us. I'm really excited about that opportunity....think of that, I'll get paid to travel....this is the life!
Yep, and that is the news from me. Have a great day!